Cedar Oil Spray for Yards

Let’s face it; most of us dream of having a lush, green lawn that is free from insects, venomous snakes and other pests, but the fear of contaminating our lawns, our ground water, and exposing our pets and children to the highly toxic man made chemicals is often enough to cause many of us to simply mow and go. As a result, our lawns often fall victim to non-beneficial insects and the invasion of other pesky creatures causing them to be stressed and less healthy. Additionally, our pets and children pay the price of untreated lawns as well when they are exposed to the insect borne diseases and skin ailments that pest infestation brings. If you are fed up with allowing insects and other pests to overtake your lawn, but you want to avoid the harmful effects of toxic chemicals, you will be pleased to know that there is now an alternative. Continue reading Cedar Oil Spray for Yards

Cedar Oil Insect Repellant

Numerous studies in recent years have uncovered a variety of ailments and harmful effects that have occurred in both children and adults due to the use of harmful insect repellants that contain toxic man made chemicals. With all of the horror stories we see on the news about this very topic, it’s enough to make even the most dedicated outdoorsman stay inside. Continue reading Cedar Oil Insect Repellant

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